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Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN -- See you Wednesday


Market opens July 16th Sunday 8:00 AM and Closes Monday July 17th at 10PM.

The Market will always open SUNDAY at 8 AM with or without Weblog. Weblog may occasional be delayed.

Thank you for supporting our local farmers, bakers and craftsmen.
We will look forward seeing you Wednesday July 19th on the porch of
Quinn’s Mercantile from 5:00 – 6:15pm when you pick up your order.

PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE LATER THAN 6:15..we can make arrangements for you to pickup your order.

Growers this week, subject to change

Arrington Bread Co
Bead Wench
C&M Valley Farm
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farms)
Dogwood Valley Greenhouse
East Fork Farm/ Worm Castings & Luffa
Flying S Farms
Heath Homespun
Linwood Lamb
McIntosh Field & Flower
Pennie’s Delights
Periwinkle and Pine Co
Pinky’s Micros
Quarter Spring Farm
Quinn’s Mercantile
RC Farms TN
Sap Creek Gardens
Shroomegy Gourmet Mushrooms
Sow’s Ear Piggery
Sundae’s Best Dog Treatery
Sweet Beets Farm
Thweatt Things
Yentz Family Farm

  • Some Growers News:

Quarter Spring Farm: we have freezers full of fantastic fresh pastured poultry and genuinely grand grass-fed lamb. We also have our usual collection of superb skin-softening goat’s milk soaps and lotions. Beat the heat with a scent that’s neat today!

Sundae’s Best Dog Treatery
Excited to announce our NEW ….Doggy donuts ….Box of 9 donuts made with the pumpkin/peanut butter recipe. 3 are plain, 3 are drizzled with icing, 3 iced with sprinkles. The sprinkles are unsweetened coconut flakes and natural food coloring.

Our other Dog Treats are Gluten free banana & peanut butter dog treats Pumpkin & peanut butter dog treats Dog Treats – Sweet potato & applesauce they come in 2 oz. or 6 oz. packages.

Rus-T-Acres: We are restocked with alot of favorite and very delicious cuts of our Angus Beef, Free Range Chicken eggs, our produce this week is Japanese Eggplant – long tubular, great for frying or grilling, Straight neck Squash, Yellow Sunburst Patty Pan Squash – these are great grilling, stuffing or steaming, also Zephyr and Zucchini squash.

NashPhilly: Please feature the French onion soup. It comes with a soup kit of Gruyère cheese, provolone and baguette toast points. It tastes like no other French onion soup you have had.

The bolognese I would like to sell more. It’s a great dish but maybe people don’t know what it is because of the name. It’s a delicious and hearty meat and vegetable red meat sauce with fresh parsley and basil. One of my favorite dishes and absolutely delicious with spaghetti noodles.

And finally the Umbria Potato Salad. Great side dish for any type of meal. Would be great to have at your next back yard bbq get together.

Pinky’s Micros: Microgreens pack 40x more vital nutrients than their mature counterparts. Extremely dense in vital enzymes, minerals, vitamins, omega, and high does of chlorophyll. There aren’t many foods you could eat that are that packed of nutrients and harvested a day before delivery for freshness.
Put them on your sandwiches, top your salads, or use them in place of lettuce.

We love putting them on avocado toast or in a B.L.T Sandwich!


Every season we’ll be creating new blends to represent each season. Along with what we grow all the time.
Peas Shoots, Rose Radish, Broccoli, Basic Salad Mix, and Sunflower Shoots.

RC Farms: Cantaloupe and Watermelon and vegetable (A to Z), various meats and prepared frozen meals and fruit. Our apology for some of the mix up of orders on the webpage, we are in the process of correcting those items.

Welcome back Sow’s Ear Piggery, several delicious cuts of pork this week, many ways to prepare them from grilling, frying or roasting.

Flying S Farms: Cantaloupe and Watermelon are available and Peaches and Cream SWEET CORN IS IN!! Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Green Tomatoes, Burpless Cucumbers, Jade Stringless and Malibu Pole Beans, Onions, Sweet Bell Peppers (green, yellow and/or purple) along with our Fresh Farm Eggs – by the Dozen or Bundle of 3, Popular Brownies, Buttermilk or Sour Cream Biscuits in 2" or 3" Sizes, Several selections of Friendship Breads, newly added an old flavor Zucchini Pineapple Bread with several options and Plain or Wheat Sour Dough, sliced or unsliced also so rolls. Pumpkin Butter for SALE available.…purchase a Pumpkin Butter and get one free!!

We look forward seeing you “On the Porch or At the Curb" of Quinn’s Mercantile WEDNESDAY, July 12th from 5:00 – 6:15 pm, please contact the Manager if you are unable to pick up your order or are running late, please phone, email or text the Manager (615.542.1078) so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.

We will always try and reach you as a reminder about your order, we can make arrangements for you to get your order to you. ""If we do not hear from you, your order will be donated and you will be invoiced for the amount of your order"". We still need to pay our Growers for their products. Remember we do have Delivery Service. If you think you will be later than 6:00 pm, when our Delivery Staff begins delivering orders, please contact us, so we can make arrangements with you.

How to contact us:
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesday

Dothan, Alabama:  July 15, 2023 M@D Musings - Time to Order!

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders. Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic”.
You can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.
Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!
Our Website:
Order prepayment link:


August & September Schedule:
Order August 5-8 for pickup Friday, August 11
Skip a Week
Order August 19-22 for pickup Friday, August 25
Skip a Week
Order September 2-5 for pickup Friday, September 8
Skip a Week
Order September 16-19 for pickup Friday, September 22
Skip a Week
Order Sept. 30 – October 3 for pickup Friday, October 6


UPDATED Recycling Reminder: THANKYOU to those of you who recycle your mason, pickle, sauce, etc jars through M@D. Our vendors are especially grateful for the ones that contained their products as this helps keep their costs down, lids and all. Mason rings can be reused many times. The flat part of Mason lids can be recycled to all sorts of art and craft projects so we welcome those too. For those who donate their clean jelly, sauce and pickle jars, those lids can safely be resealed once.

Retro picnic


Retro picnic

One of my praying mantis helpers keeping an eye out for bugs. It was on my windshield, so the sky is reflected.

Hot. So hot. Rain. So much rain. Fungus. Thriving weeds. Veggies that are doing the best they can under the circumstances. But that’s farming.

Sorry I had to discontinue the lettuce. It started bolting (flowering) and that makes it bitter. I’ll be starting seeds for transplanting late August. Hopefully it will be available again by October.

Working on “the plan” for Fall/Winter and Spring. Lots of seeds to start to transplant out later. Napa and regular cabbage, heading and sprouting broccoli, spinach, other greens I haven’t decided on yet. Direct seed turnips, radishes, beets and maybe chard.

Just have to keep moving.  It gets a little complicated keeping up with what’s growing/producing now and moving forward with “the plan.”

JBW FARM FRESH: Did you know that 85% of the ground beef sold in America is sourced outside of the U.S.? Were you also aware of ground beef being incorrectly labeled “Product of USA”? Beef can be labeled that way as long as the meat was processed in a U.S. based Inspection Plant. The beef can be brought from other countries and still be sold as “Product of USA”. Here at JBW Farm Fresh you don’t have to worry about that at all. We are 100% American, Grass Fed & Grass Finished Beef. We are your local farmers. It is a lot of hard work but so very worth it. We do it for our families, for our community, and for the land. If you haven’t tried our ground beef, you are definitely missing out! Try some this week!

Retro picnic

MOUNT MORIAH FARMS: The herd has grown! We have several new additions and we are just so excited! These summer days are not for the weary, let me tell you. The early morning milkings to beat the heat are definitely my favorite. As most of y’all know, the breed of goats we raise is Nigerian Dwarf. We absolutely love them. We have been raising them since 2013 and hope to continue on for a long time. They are very affectionate, enjoy attention, and form bonds with both their herd and people. They produce the highest butterfat content of any other dairy goat. Their milk is also higher in protein. Since butterfat is what gives milk its sweet flavor, it’s the sweetest, richest milk of all the dairy goat breeds and holds the most beneficial properties for skin repair!

Retro picnic

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Martin's Farmstand:  Black raspberries and first sweet corn

Peak season for black raspberries is now. The patches are like a jungle. U-pick raspberry price is $3.75 pint for small amounts and $3 for 10 or more. If you pick a large amount 30+ price is $2 pint. There are also red raspberries to pick today. On the stand we have good stock of picked berries- black and red raspberries, a few gooseberrries, the last few strawberries and the first blueberries. The first 30 dozen local organic sweet corn is here today as supplies last. (90 cents an ear or $9 dozen) We are overstocked on lettuce again as the weather has been good for lettuce. We are going to have a free head of lettuce cart out again today. The u-cut flowers are starting to have a nice amount of flowers ready to cut. They are available free for non commercial purposes again this year. Cut some to make your table beautiful and if you are so inclined also cut some for someone else such as an older shut in person or just to use as an excuse to stop in to someone that you judge could use your friendly face in their lives. If you are doing something with the flowers that makes you money then we would appreciate a donation. It is cucumber season and there is is a good selection of cucumbers and pickles here today ranging from cheap seconds to high end little picklers. I also have $7 boxes of zucchini again today. Daniel

Statesboro Market2Go:  Market2Go is Open!

Market2Go Is Open! Are you planning to order this week?

Place your order by 10 pm Tuesday night for pickup on Thursday.

Choose your pickup location or delivery option from the drop-down menu before you check out.

  • Statesboro – SCVB Drive Through: Thursday afternoon 4:00 – 6:00
  • Statesboro – Saturday Pick Up: at the market Token & Information booth 9am-Noon on Saturdays
  • Sylvania: Thursday afternoon at 4&20 Bakers Cafe and Public Market 3:30 – 5:00
  • Home Delivery – must add delivery to cart and prepay

Online Payment Available Register your debit or credit card at Your Account and click “Pay Now” when you check out. Your card will only be charged after you have received your order, including any adjustments for missed items or other credits.

Use your EBT/SNAP card to purchase authorized EBT items through the Market2Go, and you can receive matching “bonus” fruits and vegetables and raw nuts through the Georgia Fresh for Less program – with NO Limit. Please write “EBT” in the order comment field and select the Statesboro – SCVB drive-through pickup. For more information, email

Market News

We are now offering a new option for your Market2Go order pickup in addition to our Thursday afternoon drive thru. During the market season, you can choose the option at checkout to pick your Market2Go order at the Saturday market Information and Token Booth from 9am till Noon.

The Statesboro Mainstreet Farmers Market is open each Saturday morning for the 2023 season! The farmers market is located directly behind Visit Statesboro, at 222 South Main Street! There’s a new bridge and boardwalk connecting the Blind Willie McTell Trail to the market venue! Come out and visit your local farmers and neighbors!

Our Sylvania pickup location is now at 4&20 Bakers Eat Better Tonight Prepared Foods & Public Market, 307A Mims Rd, Sylvania

Thank you to our sponsors who are helping our market grow! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Statesboro Farmers Market you can find more info here.

Clayton Digital Reprographics
Visit Statesboro
Kiwanis Club of Statesboro

Great GA Realty
Ogeechee Technical College
Statesboro Properties
Personal Finance Service of Statesboro
Quality Inn & Suites
Queensborough National Bank & Trust
RE/MAX Preferred Realty
Southern Palace Restaurant
Statesboro-Bulloch County Library
Vyve Broadband
ExperCARE Health Statesboro

Citizens Bank of the South
Bulloch County Farm Bureau
Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University Libraries
Bulloch Solutions

Friends of the Market
Anna Clifton
Jennifer Moran
Debra Chester
Cynthia Frost
Sam Wainford
Ann Smith-Wilson
Laura and Patrick Wheaton
Becky Sanders
Bruce Field
Kathy and Larry Smith
Kristin Fretwell
LaShai Campbell
Martha Joiner
Patrick White

Happy Shopping!

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Market is open for orders!

Apologies if this is a duplicate email.

Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

Go to the market >>
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
Pastured Meats
Cultured/Fermented Foods
Pastured Eggs
See All Products

Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes. Thanks for your support!

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  Corn is sold out!

Sold out this time! Hoping we can get more soon!

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  Flash sale!!! Fresh corn!!!

I just picked up some fresh picked corn from my farm neighbor down yonder… he even shucked them! These are big and beautiful! I’ll post a picture on my Facebook page for reference.
They are .75 cents an ear and will sell each person up to 4 ears each so no one takes them all.
I have 30 ears available. Reply to this email and I will take orders first come first served.
Pick up Saturday on the porch in your order box.
Hoping he has more again!

Russellville Community Market:  7/14/23 opening

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Don’t forget to check out the extras when you pick up your order from 4-7 PM on Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot.

It’s the start of another amazing week at RCM! Shop for your favorite local foods from the comfort of your home and discover lots of new choices, too! Dark Chocolate Cherry granola from McAnulty Mercantile sounds delicious or treat your pets with her new minty flavor of dog treats! Satisfy your sweet tooth with some freeze dried candy from Goody Gang or fudge from Kaitlyn’s Sweets and Treats! Cool off with some ice cream from Meadowlark or enjoy their pepper cheese, fresh ricotta or Fromage Blanc Garlic and Herb Dip! Pine Ridge gardens has a lovely rose colored milkweed to help you attract butterflies and some top quality herb plants to provide fresh flavor to your meals! Hoof Hollow Hobbies offers handcrafted greeting cards at a more reasonable price than the big stores! Check out what they have and give something truly unique! Cucumbers and yellow squash are definitely plentiful right now! Choose your favorite growers and varieties or try something new! We have a great selection of peppers available, both sweet and spicy, and don’t forget about the tomatoes! Be sure to check out Houston Family Farm and Fiber’s handwoven table runners on the extras table when you pick up your order this Tuesday. The online pictures definitely don’t do them justice! RCM can help you feed your family the very best healthy local foods and we accept SNAP, as well!!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

REMINDER- We can no longer accept credit or debit cards. We will still be able to process cash, checks and SNAP/EBT transactions.

Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)

Russellville Community Market



Good afternoon!

Last day to put in your orders for the week.

CLG:  Opening BELL: about the milk

Good afternoon!

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping: *

You have probably noticed that FareMarket has not brought any milk for the last couple weeks. Ben is launching a coop called Sprout Urban Farms ( that wants to work with members to source sustainable products, including milk. If you’d like to learn more, and potentially become a member-owner, please contact
The next interest meeting is Tuesday, July 18th at 6pm in Little Rock.

How to contact us:

You CAN reply to this email or…

Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460

Email: Sandra –